All the cartoons you love now streaming LIVE into your living room…it’s Spoons Toons & Booze! Laugh along with live comedy, contests, and cartoon commentary by SecretFormula’s cartoon and cereal experts Michael Austin and Nell Casey.
Your friends at SecretFormula know that when Aprils rolls up it’s high time to enjoy some crunchy cereal and far out toons! To honor that infamous time that hits twenty days into April, cartoon and cereal experts Michael Austin and Nell Casey will be providing drug awareness education with a special menu of anti-drug PSA episodes from the 80s and 90s featuring your favorite cartoon characters as they fight for truth, justice and a drug-free future for America!
– Over 100 cartoon series from the 1940’s through the early 2000’s and YOU get to choose what we watch!
– Special menu of anti-drug themed episodes including the super rare “Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue”, the 1990 government-sponsored anti-drug PSA that includes just about every cartoon character from your childhood! Only aired on TV once, we’ve got an exclusive copy smuggled from the Pentagon vault just for you!
– Compete in contests (including The D.A.R.E. Challenge) to choose which cartoons we watch and win some prizes!
*This show is intended for an adult audience. Mature Language.