Your Favorite Saturday Morning Cartoons + Booze & Free Cereal + a Special Menu of Favorite Cartoon Episodes Chosen by the Hosts, Michael Austin and Nell Casey!
We’re thrilled to be celebrating eleven incredible years of Spoons, Toons & Booze at Nitehawk Cinema in February – and we want to party with you!
We’ll be featuring a special hand-picked selection of our favorite episodes from our very favorite cartoons series to celebrate.
– Over 150 cartoon series from the 1940’s through the early 2000’s and YOU get to choose what we watch!
– Free, all you can eat Cereal Bar filled with all the sugary, marshmallowy, fruity, chocolaty cereal you crave! Cow and dairy alternative milks available.
– Specialty cocktails created exclusively for Spoons Toons & Booze by Nitehawk Cinema like the “Powdered Toast Man,” with Cinnamon Toast Crunch-infused tequila + grapefruit soda. Plus: Cereal Shots! Drop a shot of bourbon cream or coffee liqueur to booze up your cereal bowl!
– Compete in contests to choose which cartoons we watch and win cartoon- and cereal-themed prizes plus tickets to Nitehawk Cinema!*This show is intended for an adult audience. Mature Language.
This is an in-person event taking place at Nitehawk Cinema in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Proof of vaccination is required for entry.